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About Thiso Mall Sala

What's special about Thiso Mall Sala?

Thiso Mall Sala is the first premium shopping mall in Thu Thiem, offering a wide range of shopping, entertainment, and diverse culinary experiences. Thiso Mall Sala brings together numerous well-known local and international brands. Check out our BRAND section for more details.

What is Thiso Mall Sala operation time?

Thiso Mall Sala operation time is as followed:
- Weekdays: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
- Weekends: 9:30 AM - 10:00 PM

Some stores with exceptional operation time:
- Emart supermarket: 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
- Starbucks: 6:30 AM – 10:00 PM
- Paris Baguette: 7:30 AM - 10:00 PM

How can I contact Thiso Mall Sala?

For information or support, please contact Thiso Mall Sala via:
- Information counter at Floor 1 - No. 10, Mai Chi Tho Street, Thu Thiem Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City
- Hotline: 028 3622 5222
- Fanpage: Thiso Mall Sala (https://www.facebook.com/thisomallsala)

About promotions

When does Thiso Mall Sala have promotions?

Promotions are regularly updated on Thiso Mall Sala communication channels. Please follow fanpage Thiso Mall Sala or check out PROMOTION section of website to have the latest promotion information.

About membership policy

Who is eligible to register for a membership card at Thiso Mall Sala?

All Vietnamese citizens with a national identification card and foreigners with a valid passport, aged 18 and above, are eligible to register in Thiso Mall Sala loyalty program.

How do I register for Thiso Mall Sala's member?

Customers can register directly through the website at https://thisomallsala.vn/en/dang-ky or contact the Information Counter at L1 - Mai Chi Tho Entrance for assistance.

What are the exclusive privileges for Thiso Mall Sala members?

Registered members of Thiso Mall Sala will enjoy exclusive privileges for the shopping center's promotions and campaigns.
In addition, members will receive updates on exclusive promotions and events through text messages as well as emails to ensure they do not miss out on attractive offers from Thiso Mall Sala.

Where can I view the full terms and policies?

Please visit the Terms and Conditions page to stay updated on the latest information regarding Thiso Mall Sala's membership policies.

About the utilities

Where is the elevator at Thiso Mall Sala?

Please visit the MALL DIRECTORY to check the location of the elevator at mall.

Does Thiso Mall Sala provide baby strollers/ wheelchairs?

Baby strollers and wheelchairs are provided free of charge for customers who are visiting and shopping at Thiso Mall Sala. Please approach the Information Counter at L1 - Hoang The Thien entrance for further support.

What should I do if I have an urgent health problem?

If you need help from the Medical Center, please inform the Information Counter at L1 - Mai Chi Tho entrance or contact us via the hotline 028 3622 5222.

How to notice Thiso Mall Sala about lost items?

Please approach the Information Counter at L1 or contact us via hotline 028 3622 5222 or Thiso Mall Sala fanpage to provide information about the time, place, and route of your visit in Thiso Mall Sala.

Does Thiso Mall Sala have a smoking area?

Customers are prohibited from smoking within Thiso Mall Sala area. Please use the smoking room on the 4th Floor or area outside the shopping mall if needed.

Is wi-fi free at Thiso Mall Sala?

Thiso Mall Sala offers free wi-fi service for customers visiting and shopping at the shopping center.

Where can I find the parking lot?

Entrance to the parking lot is located at Hoang The Thien Street (parallel to Mai Chi Tho Street)

Where is the pick up & drop off location?

Thiso Mall Sala has 02 entrances as pick up and drop off location at Mai Chi Tho and Hoang The Thien Street.

Are there any site fees?

Parking tariff (including VAT) is as followed:
* Motorbike/ Electric motorbike:
- 4 hours period (applied from 6:00 AM - 11:00 PM): 5.000VND/ vehicle/ 4 hours
- Overnight (applied from 11:01 PM - 5:59 AM the following day): 10.000 VND/ vehicle/ night

* Car:
- 4 hours period (applied from 6:00 AM - 11:00 PM): 20.000 VND/ vehicle/ 4 hours
- Overnight (applied from 11:01 PM - 5:59 AM the following day): 150.000 VND/ vehicle/ night

* Bike/ Electric bike:
- 4 hours period (applied from 6:00 AM - 11:00 PM): 2.000 VND/ vehicle/ 4 hours
- Overnight (applied from 11:01 PM - 5:59 AM the following day): 5.000 VND/ vehicle/ night

The unit price may be changed from time to time based on market price and the cost of providing parking service.

Feedback about Thiso Mall Sala

How to feedback for Thiso Mall Sala?

When there are issues related to stores, tenants, and employees in the shopping center, customers can contact directly at the Information Counter on the ground floor (L1), opposite to Mai Chi Tho entrance or via hotline 028 3622 5222. Thiso Mall Sala also receive feedbacks via our fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/thisomallsala

How can I send the feedback about tenants at Thiso Mall Sala?

When there are issues related to stores, tenants, and employees in the shopping center, customers can contact directly at the Information Counter on the ground floor (opposite to Mai Chi Tho gate) or via phone number 028 3622 5222. Thiso Mall Sala also receive feedbacks via our fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/thisomallsala